You’re invited to join our exclusive fractional community!

My Example

Are you a fractional consultant looking to boost your presence on LinkedIn and connect with like-minded professionals? Look no further.

We’re excited to offer fractional consultants like you the opportunity to join our thriving community and build your very own ‘swarm’. Fractional Consultants can come together to support and engage with each other’s LinkedIn posts, and by doing so, you’ll expand your reach, amplify your message, and create a network of like-minded professionals who value your insights.

But before we get started, what is Content Swarm? 🤔

Content Swarm is a revolutionary app designed to seamlessly facilitate likes and comments from trusted individuals within your network. It’s like having a dedicated community of supporters who actively engage with your LinkedIn posts, helping you reach a wider audience, both within your industry and beyond.

And here’s the beauty of it—you have the power to customise your swarm, choosing individuals you genuinely trust to amplify the impact of your content.

But before we get started, what is Content Swarm? 🤔

Content Swarm is a revolutionary app designed to seamlessly facilitate likes and comments from trusted individuals within your network. It’s like having a dedicated community of supporters who actively engage with your LinkedIn posts, helping you reach a wider audience, both within your industry and beyond.

And here’s the beauty of it—you have the power to customise your swarm, choosing individuals you genuinely trust to amplify the impact of your content.

Amplify Your LinkedIn Presence 📢

When you engage with fellow consultants, you increase your visibility, making your content stand out in the crowded LinkedIn landscape.

Build Meaningful Connections 👥

Forge valuable relationships with professionals who share your interests, challenges, and expertise. As the saying goes, it’s not always what you know, it’s WHO you know!

Collaborate and Learn 🤝

Exchange insights, tips, and best practices with your swarm members to help each other thrive in the world of fractional consulting.

So, what are you waiting for?

Join the swarm for FREE and begin building your community.

So, what are you waiting for?

Join the swarm for FREE and begin building your community.


Share your thought-provoking LinkedIn posts to a global audience.



Make sure to ‘Swarm’ your post to drive engagement from your fellow fractionals and get your content in front of the right people.


Support other like-minded, experienced professionals looking for their next opportunity and watch your community build.

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